Mr. Le Son Phong

Legal Counsel

Mr. Le Son Phong

Mr. Phong graduated Law school of  Bacu State University in 1998 and since then he has had almost 30 years of experience working in the insurance industry. He worked many years as a head of legal of ones of the biggest insurance companies including Bao Minh Non-Life Insurance, Dai-ichi Life Insurance, Hanwha Life Insurance Vietnam and AAA None-Life Insurance. During those years, he has built up agency code of ethics, compliance structure standards, insurance contract templates to help the insurer companies to manage risks and maintain a positive organizational reputation.

Mr. Phong has considerable expertise in providing legal advice on insurance issues to international and domestic partners, especially in the process of restructuring, M&A, and new establishment. He also participated in projects to establish insurance joint venture companies between Bao Minh Insurance and the foreign investors from Japan and Australia, namely The Yasuda Fire & Marine Insurance, The Mitsui Marine & Fire Insurance and Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited.

Квалификация и опыт, звания
  • Lawyer Professional Course Judicial Academy
  • Harvard Manage Mentor training course Harvard Business Institute
  • Master of Arts in Law Baku State University
  • Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) University of Business, Innovation & Sustainability (UBIS), USA
  • Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
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